Wedding Mini Cakes for Relatives
Choosing the perfect cake for the traditional cake give away for the relatives isn't a difficult task. However, let us talk about the traditional custom first.
Ok, as all of you should know, we need to give traditional cakes or confectionary when we send the invites to the relatives. Especially for the teochews, there're even more rules.. Luckily mine wasn't really strict so at least I can be more creative.
So I got a contact from a friend and went to this great place. It's Sweetest Moments. Look at my cakes! They're of different varieties and personalized box and giftcard! Nice!

Card attached comes together with the cakes, announcing out wedding.. Kawaii ne!! Haha..
Okok, the website,
They also have cakes for babies' 1st month too! Next time my baby 1st month, I'll use them again! Hohoho..
Signed off by Serene
-- Posted from my iPhone